For immediate release Contact: Ed Barks
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 (540) 955-0600
The coronavirus has thrown a wrench into every company’s communications and public affairs plans. How can smart businesses wade through today’s crisis while working to emerge in reasonable shape once we return to some semblance of normal?
That’s what Barks Communications President Ed Barks is helping communications and public affairs executives figure out.
“It’s a whole new rhythm for everyone,” said Barks. “We can’t let this forced isolation get us down. Even though I’m long accustomed to working in a home office, the inability to meet colleagues face-to-face, dash out for lunch, or go the gym feels constricting.”
To help ease some of the frustration and fear, Barks is offering 30-minute video conference meetings to help leaders determine how they can deal with current communications and advocacy emergencies while still keeping an eye on the future.
To sign up for a free 30-minute video session with Barks, visit .
What can participants talk about? Barks suggests the following:
- How can communications and government relations executives deal with the current crisis environment?
- What can you do now in hopes of emerging stronger when matters return to normal?
- How can you ease the transition to working virtually from home?
- Or you can simply have a friendly chat over coffee.
“I’ll be participating in these video sessions as long as the crisis exists, if not longer,” he revealed. “I’m a realist. There is going to be a world once the crisis abates. I want to help executives see that rainbow, distant as it may be at the moment. I’m convinced these video conversations can act as a salve of sorts.”
Ed Barks serves as an advisor to communications executives to improve their companies’ messages and how they deliver them, and to government relations executives who want to reach their public policy goals. They gain an enhanced reputation, more opportunities for career advancement, and achievement of long-term business goals. He is the author of A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications: Turning Today’s Leaders into Tomorrow’s Influencers and The Truth About Public Speaking: The Three Keys to Great Presentations. As President of Barks Communications, he has taught more than 5000 business leaders, association executives, and other experts how to succeed when they deal with the media, deliver presentations, and advocate before policymakers.