Tales from the Front Lines: Episode 6

Learning by doing provides a powerful education. Yet it is also possible to learn from stories surrounding the accomplishments and mistakes of others.

In this episode, you’ll hear how you can benefit from Ed’s stories that cover these topics:

      • A speaker’s most embarrassing bathroom break.
      • Why if you don’t arrive early, you’re late.
      • How an audience can ride to your rescue.


The book, The Truth About Public Speaking: The Three Keys to Great Presentations: https://www.barkscomm.com/TruthBook

You’ll also find plenty of stories from Ed’s time in the consulting trenches on the C-suite Blueprint blog at https://csuiteblueprint.wordpress.com/category/nonverbal-communications

For a real treat and some instructive and amusing stories, read Jim Cameron’s book “Off the Record: Confessions of a Media Consultant” at https://www.mediatrainer.tv/off-the-record-book . I learned a lot from Jim when he was my news director during our broadcast news days.