For immediate release Contact: Ed Barks
Monday, August 12, 2019 (540) 955-0600
Successful media training programs are designed by choice, not by chance. That’s the central theme of the updated position paper “Maximize Your Next Media Training: Best Practice Standards,” issued by Barks Communications President Ed Barks.
“Media training should be more than a half-hearted stab at making a company’s C-suite and other spokespeople talk pretty,” Barks said. “Yet that’s how too many well-meaning communications executives view it.
“’Maximize Your Next Media Training’ is an attempt to break through that faulty construct. It shows — step by step — how those communicators can organize a program that overflows with long-term benefits that accrue to their company’s business and public policy goals.”
The revamped resource serves as a guide for communications executives at Fortune 1000 and Inc. 500 corporations, and at large associations seeking to provide media training to their C-suite and other spokespeople — such as board members, issue experts, financial and legal personnel, and communications and public affairs staffers.
The publication provides a set of best practice standards by outlining the steps that smart companies take to earn long-lasting bottom line benefits from a coherent, cohesive media training program.
The new resource is available as a bonus to subscribers of Barks’ Communications Community newsletter at .
Barks defines five main categories companies planning to offer a media training program need to heed in order to, as he says, “structure a sustained professional development offering that bolsters both your spokespeople’s careers and your company’s overarching goals.” Those categories are:
- Prepare the participants
- Prepare your consultant
- Prepare other internal staff
- Prepare the training facility
- Prepare the training agenda
“Following each of those five steps featured in ‘Maximize Your Next Media Training’ ensures that a firm’s preparation efforts stick to a systematic set of best practice standards. The result? A real world plan that supports your business goals,” Barks said.
As he writes in the revised resource, “Following the best practice standards set forth in this paper leads to more than a successful professional development experience that boosts your spokespeople’s careers. It also leads to achievement of your business and public policy goals — from a healthier bottom line to legislative and regulatory success, from an ability to outperform the competition to an enhanced reputation. Those larger goals are what media training is all about.”
New members of Barks’ are eligible to receive the new edition.
Ed Barks works with communications and government relations executives who counsel their C-suite leaders, and with businesses and associations that need their messaging to deliver bottom line results. They gain an enhanced reputation, more opportunities for career advancement, and achievement of long-term business goals. He is the author of A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications: Turning Today’s Leaders into Tomorrow’s Influencers and The Truth About Public Speaking: The Three Keys to Great Presentations. As President of Barks Communications, he has taught more than 5000 business leaders, association executives, and other experts how to succeed when they deal with the media, deliver presentations, and advocate before policymakers.