Barks Reveals A+ Title for New Book

For immediate release                                  Contact:    Ed Barks
Thursday, August 9, 2018                                                (540) 955-0600


Ed Barks unveiled the title for his forthcoming book during his presentation to a National Press Club audience today.

The title, A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications: Turning Today’s Leaders into Tomorrow’s Influencers, is a mashup of two choices that polled well when he crowdsourced the issue.

“I deeply appreciate all the interest in the crowdsourcing poll,” said Barks. “Those who suggested titles and who voted for their favorites have been of immeasurable help.

“I’m confident this title that they’ve helped choose will give an added boost to the reach of A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications: Turning Today’s Leaders into Tomorrow’s Influencers.”

Barks’ new book is scheduled for publication by Ogmios Publishing later this year. It focuses on communications strategy, providing a guide for communications and government relations executives who counsel their C-suite leaders.

Readers can follow the progress of Barks’ authorship journey on his , where he gives periodic updates on the writing, promotional, and publishing processes.

Today’s National Press Club event centered on how to prepare and deliver Congressional testimony. Barks led a discussion that focused on how to prepare and how to assess performance in order to enhance future opportunities.

Ed Barks works with communications and government relations executives who counsel their C-suite leaders, and with businesses and associations that need their communications strategy and messaging to deliver bottom line results. They gain an enhanced reputation, more opportunities for career advancement, and achievement of long-term business and public policy goals. He is the author of The Truth About Public Speaking: The Three Keys to Great Presentations. As President of Barks Communications since 1997, he has taught more than 5000 business leaders, association executives, and other experts how to succeed when they deal with the media, deliver presentations, and advocate before policymakers.
