New Book Reveals Techniques for Dealing with the Media

For immediate release                                  Contact:    Ed Barks
Tuesday, July 7, 2020                                                       (540) 955-0600

Readers are calling it “an AP Style guide for media relations” and raving, “This is media training on steroids written in a very easy-to-read and precise format.”

Those are just some of the reactions to Reporters Don’t Hate You: 100+ Amazing Media Relations Strategies, published today. “Dealing with the press is a high wire act,” said author Ed Barks. “It takes a lifetime to prepare to meet the media. It only takes one bad interview to undo all that hard work. This book offers a comprehensive, ready reference that stops corporate spokespeople from stumbling into the bad interview abyss.”

The new volume lists over 100 media relations strategies broken out into categories including pre-interview preparations, sharpening the spokesperson’s mindset, performance guidelines for dealing with the press, and more.

It even includes a reporter’s glossary that defines terms corporate spokespeople would be wise to absorb. The explanations range from “above the fold” to “wire service,” and reveal specifics about such jargon as B-roll, lede, and off the record.

Barks has been offering a bounty of materials unrestricted on his coronavirus crisis communications web page in the wake of the pandemic. Reporters Don’t Hate You is one more contribution to that.

“As a means of easing the pressure on communications executives and corporate spokespeople during the pandemic, I am providing complimentary copies of the Reporters Don’t Hate You ebook,” Barks announced. “Readers can take advantage of periodic special promotions at, on the C-suite Blueprint blog, my LinkedIn presence, and on my Twitter feed.

He encouraged readers to write an honest review of the book on their preferred booksellers’ websites, and on digital media channels like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and elsewhere.

This is Barks’ third book, arriving on the heels of two publications last year — A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications: Turning Today’s Leaders into Tomorrow’s Influencers and a new second edition of The Truth About Public Speaking: The Three Keys to Great Presentations.

Reporters Don’t Hate You, published by Ogmios Publishing, is available for sale worldwide in both print and ebook format at such outlets as Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Tolino.

Ed Barks serves as an advisor to communications executives to improve their companies’ messages and how they deliver them, and to government relations executives who want to reach their public policy goals. They gain an enhanced reputation, more opportunities for career advancement, and achievement of long-term business and public policy goals. He is the author of A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications: Turning Today’s Leaders into Tomorrow’s Influencers and The Truth About Public Speaking: The Three Keys to Great Presentations. As President of Barks Communications, he has taught more than 5000 business leaders, association executives, and other experts how to succeed when they deal with the media, deliver presentations, and advocate before policymakers.
